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Group Offerings

Ted working with retreat participants

Can you feel that space in your heart that yearns for more?


More passion

More trust

More connection


We all have these yearnings


And yet...

many of us wake up one day and realize that these deep desires

are not being met

in our relationships.


We’ve numbed ourselves

We’ve conceded to routine

We’re comfortable

We're stuck in our stories

We’ve convinced ourselves that our relationships are overall pretty good


even as we feel

a lack

an emptiness

and an ache.


The problem is…

in real life

(not on social media) 

no one taught us

or modeled for us

how we could have more than a “pretty good” relationship

how we could have more than being comfortable

how we could live and love bigger

how we could live and love deeper

how we could live and love more.


Join me for experiences of

deep intimacy

intoxicating polarity


breakthrough communication


Through solo, partnered, and group practice,

you will begin to retrain your nervous system

to experience








Current public group offerings are found below.

If you would like me to design a special private offering for you and your friends,
please reach out to me directly.


together for 27 years

"It was a life-changing experience...a safe and nurturing space for us to explore the depths of our relationship with courage and vulnerability. Since our session, we feel more connected and in love than ever before."


together for 3 years

"I was able to tell her some of the things that have been stuck inside of me since we first met three years ago."


together for 20 years

"A floodgate of communication has broken a dam and allowed us to continue to communicate much more joyfully, much less inhibitedly, and much more honestly."

There are three questions I think are really important when we're getting into a relationship or we're looking to deepen our relationship.

The first one is: “Can I trust them with my heart?” Can I trust them to honor my feelings and hold my love as sacred? And also, through my heart, actually using my heart, can I feel them as trustable?

“Can I trust him with my body?” Can I trust them to honor my sovereign body and help me regulate my nervous system? And, also through my body, can I experience them as trustable?

And, “Can I trust them with my soul?” Can I trust them to be a yes, to my deepest desires and dreams and purpose? And also through my soul, can I merge with them in oneness?

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