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Bridging Hearts
A Journey

to Intimacy and Joy

for Couples

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Are you and your partner yearning

for a profound level of

intimacy, connection,

and sensual attraction?


Do you find yourselves longing

for more playfulness, joy, and levity

in your relationship?


Are you stuck in well-worn

patterns and stories

that keep your relationship from evolving?


Have you tried books, blogs, and videos

and you're still wondering:

"Is there more?"


Are you ready for a journey

that will change everything?


Join us for a transformative

5-week couples intimacy program

designed just for you.

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Bridging Hearts


Bridging Hearts is a group experience in relationship transformation

drawing from a powerful eclectic blend of teachings

including mysticism, tantra, and modern science.

Through this 5-week program, you'll gain invaluable tools

to unravel conscious and unconscious blocks

that may be holding you back in your relationship.



Program Highlights:


Weeks 1-2: Interactive Sessions on Zoom - Preparing for Your Journey

Embark on a path of self-discovery and reconnection from the privacy of your own home. Our program kicks off with a series of dynamic and interactive Zoom sessions. During these 2-hour calls, you'll learn embodiment practices, conscious conversation methods, and breathwork techniques.


As individuals and as a couple, you'll start to find words for the desires of your heart you may have trained yourself to hide. You'll learn to connect with each other on a nervous system level. And, you'll set intentions for our in-person journey day.


Week 3: Weekend Retreat in the San Francisco Bay Area -  Breakthrough Journey

During this transformative weekend retreat, you and your partner will step away from the everyday and immerse yourselves in a nourishing and nurturing environment designed to facilitate profound growth. Through heart-opening magic and intentional practices, you'll explore breakthroughs in communication, intimacy, and understanding. This retreat is your opportunity to see each other in new ways, fostering a fresh perspective that reignites your flames of passion.


Though you'll be in community with other couples, you and your partner will have your own unique experience of connection and intimacy.


Weeks 4-5: Interactive Sessions on Zoom - Strengthening Your New Connection


These 2-hour calls will focus on integrating the experience of our weekend Journey and dropping back into the embodied and conversational practices we have been exploring. 

By the End of the Program you will have tools to:

Experience Deep


Discover the secrets to creating a satisfying and long-lasting turn-on that will leave you both feeling fulfilled and desired


Unveil Mutual


Tap into the power of mutual devotion, forging an unbreakable bond that nurtures your connection



Break Free from Habitual Patterns

Identify and transcend your habitual tendencies to close off, allowing you to practice vulnerability and openness


Master Nervous System


Learn how to regulate and harmonize your own nervous system and that of your partner, fostering a supportive and harmonious atmosphere

Embrace Your


Reconnect with your body and reignite your sensuality, allowing you to feel sexy and alive once again

Elevate Everyday


Transform ordinary moments into profound connections, infusing your daily life with love and meaning



Skillfully create and maintain boundaries that empower both you and your partner, enriching your relationship

Ignite Your

Best Selves

Cultivate an environment where both you and your partner can thrive, evoking the best versions of yourselves


This program is by application and interview only

Thursday evening: October 26 -- Call 1

Monday evening: November 6 -- Call 2

Friday evening and all day Saturday: November 10-11 -- Weekend Journey

Thursday evening: November 16 -- Call 3

Monday evening: November 27 -- Call 4


Price (not including travel or housing for the weekend): $3500 per couple

Past Participants Have Shared

Amy S

The experience facilitated an ability to  fluidly talk and be so present with one another. It felt like we were really listening to each other.

Chris B

I felt so connected in a close, very intimate way with everyone else... It feels like something in my journey work has been missing until now. I’d love to do this again. There’s nothing so powerful as being in a group of transformed people. What could possibly be better?

Rami & Ida

Leslie and Ted's expert facilitation allowed us to process these feelings and communicate with each other in a way that felt incredibly healing and liberating. Since our session, we feel more connected and in love than ever before.

Our Approach


Our program is grounded in evidence-based practices that incorporate embodiment techniques, conscious communication strategies, and breathwork exercises. While we draw inspiration from a variety of sources including mysticism and tantra, we pride ourselves on providing a down-to-earth experience that's accessible to all. Our approach is modern and practical, incorporating breakthroughs in psychology and science to foster real, tangible results.


We bring this program to you after navigating our own relationship journeys and drawing insights from guiding hundreds of couples through their own transformations. We understand the complexities of relationships and provide a safe and supportive space for you to explore, learn, and grow together.


Are you ready to reignite the spark, deepen your connection, and experience a level of intimacy that you've been yearning for?


The adventure begins now.








Your Guides

on this 5-week Journey

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